What is the Ontario Woodlot Association?The Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA) is a not-for-profit grassroots organization governed by an elected, volunteer board of directors. Our members own and manage woodlots throughout the province and include individuals and organizations that support our goals. We believe that private landowners have a key role to play to ensure that sustain-ably managed forests remain a part of Ontario’s future.Our VisionHealthy and productive forests will always be part of Ontario’s landscape. All Ontarians will recognize the importance of maintaining healthy and productive forests on private lands. Woodlot owners will be acknowledged and supported in their role as the caretakers of this valuable resource and natural heritage.
Our MissionThe OWA promotes the sustainable management of Ontario’s privately owned forest by providing our members with guidance and advice, and by representing their interests through a united provincial voice. We are working to ensure that Ontario’s privately owned forest will always contribute to the health of our society, our environment and the economy.
- Membership is open to anyone who shares the Vision and supports the Mission and goals of the OWA.
- Our chapters play a key role in fulfilling the OWA’s objectives, and we appreciate the efforts of our many volunteers.
- We recognize that each privately owned woodlot is part of a larger social, environmental and economic landscape and we seek balance in addressing these values
- We uphold landowners’ rights, under the law, and emphasize landowners’ responsibilities.
- We believe that education and incentives are the principal, but not the exclusive, means of achieving the sustainability of privately owned forests
- We communicate and often collaborate with those who take an interest in privately owned forests.
- We conduct ourselves in an ethical manner, ensuring that OWA partnerships, sources of revenue and other in-kind assistance do not compromise the Mission and Principles of our Association
Our GoalsWe will achieve our Vision and Mission by fulfilling the following goals:
- Be the principal voice for private forest owners throughout Ontario and work actively to represent their interests before government, the public and the forest industry.
- Be a key source of information about sustainable forest management and private land ownership and educate OWA members about all aspects of owning and managing forested land.
- Expand awareness of the importance of sustainable forest management beyond our membership.
- Monitor and respond to issues that affect privately owned forests
- Facilitate and influence changes to government policy (e.g., the tax system) to ensure that it is economically viable to own and manage private woodlots and forests.
- Increase OWA membership and the number of Chapters; also encourage and support Chapter activities.
- Increase and diversify the OWA’s sources of revenue.
Need More Information?Contact the Ontario Woodlot Association or the Lower Ottawa Valley Chapter